Brazilian Buttlift

A Brazilian butt lift involves extraction and re-injection of body fat to create a more pronounced and sculpted shape on the buttocks. Sometimes, exercising can’t deliver the precise changes you want in your body. Genetic factors can also play a huge role in the shape of your buttocks and prevent you from achieving your ideal body vision. Brazilian Butt lift helps when exercising cannot. With the help of targeted fat injections, the procedure results in perfectly sculpted and lifted buttocks that last for a long time.


Who Needs/Candidates

Brazilian Butt Lift is considered a high-stake procedure and should not be taken lightly. It’s incredibly important that you are in good physical health and that your body can tolerate the procedure. You

should also have realistic expectations regarding the treatment and acknowledge the certain limitations of a Brazilian butt lift. Typically, you will make a good candidate for a Brazilian Butt lift in Rawalpindi/Islamabad if you:

  • are looking for highly pronounced changes
  • want a large volume enhancement
  • have enough healthy fat within the donor areas
  • have suffered from weight loss and want to revive your natural look
  • want a more pleasant bodily proportion with pronounced curves

If you are considering a Brazilian butt lift in Rawalpindi or Islamabad in the near future, you should also be aware of the things that may make you an unsuitable candidate.

Anyone who is clinically obese or going through a lot of weight fluctuations will not benefit from the procedure. Besides this, people with bleeding disorders or other health/skin conditions such as psoriasis should also refrain from a Brazilian butt lift.

Results to Expect

The exact results of your Brazilian Butt lift will widely vary based on individual factors and the level of changes you asked for. However, you can expect an immediate increase in the volume, shape, and tone of your buttocks right after the first session. Some other important outcomes you can expect from a Brazilian Butt Lift in Rawalpindi/Islamabad are included below:

  • Highly sculpted and lifted-up buttocks
  • More balanced and visually pleasant bodily proportions
  • Long-lasting results for up to two years
  • Highly safe and natural outcomes that don’t look fake
  • The full realization of results within 4 to 6 months

Overall, some level of re-injected fat is usually metabolized and dissolved within the body. So your initial butt lift may look bigger than it will be after the first few weeks. In most cases, at least 40% of the injected fat gets dissolved over time. For this reason, your surgeon will inject some extra fat just so you can have a fuller, longer-lasting appearance.

Treatment Goals

The main goal of a Brazilian butt lift is to deliver highly precise and controlled contouring of the buttocks. It is targeted towards patients who want more increased volume in specific areas such as the sides, the upper area, or a fuller overall appearance in the mid. People are increasingly attracted to Brazilian butt Lift because it allows them to overcome their bodily limitations. It helps people achieve what exercising cannot. Moreover, it can help with a wide range of other concerns, such as weight loss, aging, and an overall lack of confidence in one’s appearance.

Preparation/Pre-Op Care

There are certain medications and diets that can interfere with the effectiveness and procedure of your Brazilian butt lift. Knowing about these and other influential factors will help you minimize the risk of

developing complications. Before your Brazilian butt lift in Rawalpindi/Islamabad, you will be required to:

  • Refrain from taking any blood thinning medication or supplements such as Warfarin or Vitamin E
  • Refrain from certain herbal medicines that can cause a blood thinning effect
  • Avoid anti-inflammatory and other painkiller drugs, as they can impact how your blood clots

Treatment steps

If you are looking to undergo a Brazilian butt lift in Rawalpindi/Islamabad, you probably want to know more about the steps involved. The procedure is generally outpatient and only takes between one to two hours. Below is a step-by-step explanation of what you can expect from your Brazilian butt lift in Rawalpindi/Islamabad.

  • To begin, your surgeon will have an in-depth consultation with you to learn more about the outcomes and changes wanted. After a medical evaluation, the donor area (parts which fat will be extracted from) will be determined.
  • The selection of your donor area will depend on the overall health of your body’s areas as well as personal preferences. The most frequently used donor areas are the abdomen, lower back, and thighs, as patients don’t mind having less fat there.
  • The donor areas will then be prepared for fat extraction and marked with a surgical pen. General or local anesthesia will then be applied to minimize any discomfort.
  • Once the effects of anesthesia kick in within 20-30 minutes, tiny incisions on the donor area will be made. With the help of a fine cannula, the excess fat will be loosened as the surgeon moves it back and forth gently.
  • After it is detached, it will be suctioned into a surgical vacuum attached to the cannula. The fat will then be purified and prepared for re-injection in the specific areas of your buttock.
  • Depending on the depth and style of changes desired, multiple injections will be administered at different parts of your buttock. You may want more pronounced sides or overall increased volume. Your practitioner will keep your desired outcomes in mind and inject accordingly.
  • Each incision will be closed with stitches and a bandage to prevent any infection.

Recovery/Post-Op Care

Your aftercare routine should not be taken lightly as it determines how well and quickly you can heal. While your surgeon will provide the exact and comprehensive instructions, below are some of the main ones. After a typical Brazilian butt lift in Rawalpindi or Islamabad, you will be asked to:

  • Avoid prolonged periods of sitting
  • Use a donut-style cushion with space in it to prevent pressure on your buttocks
  • Avoid sports and other intensive activities for at least one month
  • Take all prescribed medication regularly
  • Avoid touching or pressing on both the donor and injected areas
  • Wear compression garments for at least two weeks to better manage the swelling
  • Take time off work and engage in bed rest for at least one day

Cost of Brazilian Butt Lift

The exact cost of a Brazilian butt lift in Rawalpindi/Islamabad varies with the unique profile of each patient. The experience of your surgeon and how much work you want done will also play a role in the cost. To learn more about the price of your unique case, consider booking a free consultation with our cosmetic clinic in Rawalpindi.

Book a Free Consultation Session

With an in-depth consultation, our experienced cosmetic surgeons can help you get rid of any doubts or concerns you have regarding your surgery. You can book a free session today through our WhatsApp, Phone, or Email.

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