Mole Removal

Moles are very common in people of all ages and backgrounds. They look like dark spots and may be deeply rooted flat spots or have a more raised appearance. While they are generally benign and aren’t a cause for concern, they can lead to complications. Because of their nature, they are highly prone to becoming cancerous after prolonged sun exposure. This makes mole removal good for both cosmetic and health reasons. The risk of cancer development is higher when the moles exist on often exposed areas such as the face or hands. The number of moles you have can also play a role. A higher number of moles can increase the chances of cancer. If you are looking for a Mole Removal in Rawalpindi/Islamabad, continue reading our in-depth guide ahead. We offer a wide range of Mole removal treatments in Rawalpindi and aim to provide you insights into the process so you can make a well-informed decision.


Who Needs/Candidates

Not everyone with moles needs to undergo a mole removal surgery. The most common reason for undergoing the procedure is cosmetic enhancement. Moles on the face or other important parts of the body can affect one’s self-esteem and make one more self-conscious in social settings. However, there are cases where the existence of moles can cause a lot of irritation and discomfort. If slightly raised, they can rub against the clothes and cause irritation. You may be the ideal candidate if your mole:

is placed too conspicuously and attracts unwanted attention accumulates a lot of oil and dirt around the skin

causes a lot of irritation and itching throughout the day.

Besides these, anyone considering a Mole Removal in Rawalpindi/Islamabad should also know about the other criteria. It’s important that your skin is in good health and holds enough elasticity to undergo the treatment. You should not get the treatment f you have a history of or an active allergy, infection, or other health conditions nearby or in the area to be treated.

Results to Expect

As soon as after your first session, you can get rid of your moles. Most of the mole removal techniques in Rawalpindi/Islamabad deliver instant results by quickly killing the blood vessels in the moles. Whether you opt for laser therapy, cryotherapy, and excision, you can expect you see your mole completely fall off without causing any pain. Some techniques, such as Excision shaving, only trim off the raised mole, which means its flatter layer remains visible. However, you can remove it completely from its roots with the latter-mentioned treatments.

Treatment Goals

The primary goal of treatment is long-term and painless removal. There are many oral/topical medications and home remedies targeted toward mole removal. However, they don’t work as effectively and can accompany a lot of pain. Home remedies don’t take into consideration that mole removals are made up of clusters of blood vessels that can feel pain if removed forcefully. Mole Removal treatments and surgeries, therefore, stand out and have become the first choice of treatment. Most techniques, including Laser therapy and cryotherapy, only take between 2-5 minutes, after which the mole doesn’t come back for a long time. Excision treatments also take only between 10-15 minutes without requiring any serious downtime.

Techniques Available


It is one of the most common techniques for mole removal in Rawalpindi. Your practitioner numbs the area of treatment and surrounding skin and then cuts or shaves off the mole. It is done by using a scalpel or a circular blade. Surgical excision involves the closing of wounds through stitches. But in surgical shaving, stitches are not required.

Excision is usually the first choice of treatment when instant results are desired. Depending on the technique used, the procedure can completely extract out the moles or only shave the raised area.

Shave excision: is the most preferable and painless technique. It only removes the raised portion of the mole and doesn’t create any scars or incisions. Any formed scars are usually negligible and become less apparent over time. It can be performed with just local anesthesia. Surgical excision: extracts the mole from its deepest layer, so the flat and dark skin is also removed. It is more suitable when the goal is cosmetic and clear skin is desired. The procedure only takes between 10-15 minutes and is ideal for larger moles. Some moles are too big and can’t be improved with a short trim; a surgical approach is then needed.


Cryotherapy uses extremely cold temperatures on the target mole to freeze all the blood vessels and tissues. It uses the application of liquid nitrogen, which then drops the temperature of the targeted skin to up to negative 100 degrees. Once the blood supply is blocked and tissues are completely dried, the mole naturally falls off. The patient may feel a slight sensation of burning or tingling, which is usually not uncomfortable or painful.

Laser Treatment

Laser treatment uses the same mechanism as cryotherapy and kills off the blood supply and tissues making up the moles. The only difference is it uses extremely hot temperatures to burn the skin cells, vessels, and tissues. The treatment is more appropriate when the patient doesn’t want an excision and wants a quicker healing time. Because it can only target the higher layers of the skin, laser treatment is more suitable for raised moles rather than when complete destruction is needed.

Preparation/Pre-Op Care

Before your treatment is due, make sure to;

  • Follow a healthy diet and keep hydrated
  • Take all the prescribed medication regularly
  • Avoiding any blood-thinning medication
  • Avoid any blood-thinning supplements
  • Refrain from excessive sunlight and avoid getting sunburned

Recovery/Post-Op Care

After you undergo your Mole removal in Rawalpindi/Islamabad, ensure that you engage in a strict post-operative care routine. This will help with quicker recovery and prevent the risk of complications. You may be required to follow these instructions after each session:

  • Wash the treated area and pat it dry
  • Refrain from touching, rubbing or otherwise irritating any blisters
  • Avoid breaking any formed blister to prevent the spread of infection
  • Keep the blister covered with a bandage for quicker healing

Some patients can experience some form of swelling and redness at the treated site. The wounds on the treated area may also give out a little fluid for several days, which should be immediately cleaned and kept dry.

Benefits Expected

Besides the obvious relief of your mole finally gone, the treatment will accompany many other benefits. One highlight is the quick recovery and wound healing. If you opt for a laser treatment, you will effectively avoid the risk of scarring and scabbing. Some of the other benefits include:

  • Non-invasive procedures
  • Minimal to no pain involved
  • Lowered risk of contracting an infection
  • Outpatient, one-time sessions

Cost of Mole Removal Treatment

The cost of mole removal in Rawalpindi/Islamabad varies considerably. It depends on multiple influential factors, such as your skin health, the number of moles, and the type of mole. We can provide a personalized quote to you after a short yet in-depth consultation.

Book a Free Consultation Session

Consider booking a free consultation session with one of our mole removal treatment experts today. We can walk you through the entire process and help you overcome any doubts you may have. You can book a session today through our WhatsApp, Phone, or Email.

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