
Although losing weight through a healthy lifestyle and exercise should be everyone’s first approach, it has its limitations. Cardio, Running, and another intensive exercise can only help you lose weight throughout the body. It can’t help with precise body contouring, shaping, and creating a symmetrical and balanced body structure. This is where liposuction fills in the gap.

Liposuction removes fat with the help of targeted and precise incisions on the area to be treated. It stands out due to its ability to create a more balanced and contoured body shape. With increasing international popularity, many people are also opting for Liposuction in Rawalpindi/Islamabad.

If you are looking to undergo a Liposuction in Rawalpindi/Islamabad and want to know more, continue reading our in-depth guide below.


Who Needs/Candidates

Anyone unhappy with the overall shape of their body or a specific part of their body can greatly benefit from liposuction. If you don’t want to compromise on the shape and volume of one body part while reducing the other, liposuction might be the perfect choice for you. Some other reasons that make you an ideal candidate include:

  • Excessive fat on certain areas such as the legs and thighs
  • An isolated case of excessive weight in one area, such as the stomach

Results to Expect

Typically, a significant volume of fat can be removed in just one session. If you require a lot of fat to be removed from larger areas such as the stomach, more sessions will be required. While the exact results you see will depend on the amount of weight you get reduced and the areas of removal, some common results can still be expected. These include:

  • Highly precise fat reduction in the exact areas you desire
  • A more contoured and balanced body shape
  • More lifted and toned appearance of the treated areas

The results are always immediate and don’t require follow-up sessions for maintenance. Once the fat is removed, there is minimal chance of its reappearing unless an unhealthy lifestyle is involved. It is also the patient’s responsibility to look after their diet and maintain a healthy lifestyle, so they don’t accumulate more fat in the future.

Treatment Goals

There are instances where your overall body may be perfect while just one part bothers you. For example, you may want to reduce the fat in your thigh, but you’re afraid that dieting will also affect the size of your breasts. Liposuction makes the perfect treatment in cases like these. Additionally, some people want a highly contoured and sculpted body exactly as they envisioned. Such type of precision is highly unachievable even when intensive training and planned exercise are used. Opting for liposuction can help you achieve the desired body contouring in just a fraction of the time.

Preparation/Pre-Op Care

To ensure that your liposuction goes as smoothly as possible, you will be required to engage in the following preparation steps:

  • Disclose any prescription medication that you take
  • Tell your doctor beforehand about any blood thinning medication that you take
  • Avoid smoking or drinking alcohol the day before your surgery
  • Disclose if you have any skin or health conditions that may interfere with the treatment

Treatment Steps

A typical Liposuction in Rawalpindi/Islamabad encompasses the following steps:

  • To prepare your body for the incisions, general anesthesia will be administered to the area being targeted. The choice of anesthesia also depends on the length and depth of incisions to be made. Your doctor may instead choose to go with local anesthesia or intravenous sedation if it seems more suitable.
  • The areas to be targeted will then be marked to guide accurate precisions. Once the anesthesia takes effect, your surgeon will make small incisions with lengths varying from ¼ inch to 1/3 inch. A hollow tube or cannula will then be used to loosen the targeted fat, which will then be dislodged and suctioned into a surgical vacuum.
  • Each incision is then stitched close and bandaged thoroughly.

The same process will be repeated, and multiple incisions of varying lengths may be made to other parts of the body that require work. The overall procedure usually takes between one to three hours, depending on the depth of changes required.

Recovery/Post-Op Care

Engaging in a thorough post-treatment routine can help you heal more quickly and minimize the risk of complications. Typically, you should engage in the following steps:

  • Take bed rest for a few days and refrain from excessive movement
  • Avoid touching, rubbing, or pressing the treated areas (the incisions)
  • Take all the prescribed medication regularly
  • Refrain from smoking and alcohol consumption until the wounds are healed
  • Keep the treated area clean and dry but refrain from any harsh exfoliation or scrubbing

Some level of sensitivity, swelling, and discomfort is very common after the procedure. If you want to use any painkillers, do so only after consulting with your doctor first. Some medications can interfere with the healing process and should be avoided. Your doctor will be better able to guide you on this after the procedure.

Cost of Liposuction Treatment

The cost of Liposuction in Rawalpindi/Islamabad varies with the unique needs of each patient. The exact cost you pay will be determined by the volume of fat to be removed and the number of areas targeted. We can provide a personalized quote after a short and in-depth consultation with a liposuction surgeon.

Book a Free Consultation Session

You may have multiple concerns and questions regarding your Liposuction in Rawalpindi. These doubts can keep you from finally receiving the changes you want to live an emotionally-fulfilling life. Consider booking a free consultation with us through our WhatsApp, phone, or email, and ask away all the questions and concerns you may have.

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