Brow Lift

Browlift helps lift sagging eyebrows while combating signs of aging across the face. Removing excess skin and lifting up surrounding tissues results in a livelier and more toned-up appearance.

If you want to receive a brow lift in Rawalpindi/Islamabad, read ahead to learn more about the steps and outcomes involved.


Who Needs/Candidates

Anyone unhappy with their eyebrows’ sagging or wrinkly appearance will greatly benefit from a brow lift. Some of the qualities that make you a great fit include:

  • Sagging eyebrows that make you look tired
  • Highly wrinkly and creasing eyebrows
  • Folding skin around the eyebrows and forehead
  • Tired and worn-out overall appearance

Results to Expect

As soon as after your first session, there will be a significant reduction in excess skin, deep wrinkles, and lowered eyebrows. The overall eye profile would become livelier as well. The lift will also make the appearance of your eye bags and puffiness less noticeable. However, your results will not be apparent to you immediately. Depending on the exact technique, you may experience mild swelling throughout the eyes. This can make the eyebrows look more lifted and plump than the final results.

It’s best to wait at least one week before judging the final outcomes. Overall, you can expect to see the following changes:

  • Visible reduction in sagginess
  • Reduction in furrows and forehead creases
  • More lifted, shaped, and contoured eye profile
  • More youthful and radiant appearance
  • Precise raise in eyebrows according to your desire

Treatment Goals

The primary goal of a brow lift is to deliver quick and long-lasting results. The treatment delivers more in- depth and well-rounded results that alternatives like topical creams cannot. Some patients also undergo brow lift in Rawalpindi/Islamabad in order to minimize their reliance on more invasive anti-ageing surgeries. However, the reason for brow lift is not always cosmetic. Some people also opt for it to fix results from past surgeries or to fix facial deformities. Another highlight of brow lift is its ability to deliver highly controlled and targeted outcomes. Because the amount of skin and tissue removed/replaced is exactly as the patient wanted, they are able to receive precisely results.

Preparation/Pre-Op Care

It’s important to take care of your skin and body well in advance. Your post-operative routine will determine how easily your skin is able to tolerate and recover from the procedure. The exact list of

instructions will vary by individual profile and will be provided by your surgeon beforehand. In general, you will be required to avoid the following:

  • Taking blood thinning medications such as Warfarin for at least two weeks
  • Undergoing any irritating skin treatments such as laser therapy
  • Smoking or Consuming alcohol for at least two weeks
  • Taking any blood-thinning supplements such as Vitamin E or garlic extract
  • Getting your skin sun damaged as it reduces skin’s elasticity

Techniques Available

There are three popular techniques used for brow lift in Rawalpindi/Islamabad. The exact technique used can depend on the individual profile and preferences.

Endoscopic Brow Lift

An endoscopic brow lift creates tiny incisions behind the hairline. The surgeon inserts a tiny camera to view the eyebrow tissues and muscles during the first incision. The needed tissues are reached through another incision and lifted up with the help of dissolvable sutures. Multiple incisions are made depending on the patient’s amount and type of changes. The height, width, and arch of your eyebrow are made exactly as you wish, never too high nor too low.

Coronal Brow Lift

Coronal brow lift, also known as the classic brow lift, is an older approach to raising eyebrows. Compared to its more popular alternative, this technique creates incisions in a long line across your hairline. The tissues and excess skin are raised/removed through incisions behind the ears. Because of the longer scarring, coronal lifts are falling out of popularity.

Recovery/Post-Op Care

You will face some level of swelling and bruising following your surgery. The quality of your post-operative routine determines your recovery period and should be strictly followed. To ensure that you receive the best outcomes, you will be required to avoid the following:

  • Taking pain-killers with anti-inflammatory properties
  • Touching, rubbing or otherwise irritating the healing areas
  • Getting the incisions wet due to hot baths or sweat
  • Going under direct sunlight without a strong sunscreen
  • Engaging in sports or other intensive activities


One of the main benefits of Brow Lift in Rawalpindi/Islamabad is the speed of results and recovery. Patients can significantly reduce wrinkles and contour their facial features within one session. Besides this, the treatment is minimally invasive and doesn’t leave any visible scarring. Most patients who undergo a Brow Lift in Rawalpindi/Islamabad can enjoy long-lasting results without needing follow-up sessions.

Cost of Brow Lift

The exact cost of a brow lift in Rawalpindi/Islamabad varies with multiple individual factors. The price you pay will depend on the current situation of your eyebrows and the number of changes needed. We can provide you with a personalized quotation for your exact needs with a quick consultation.

Book a Free Consultation Session

We provide free, no-obligation consultations to anyone who needs some advice and guidance. One of our certified surgeons will listen to all your problems and the key changes you need. You can book your session today through WhatsApp, phone, or Email.

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