Acne Treatment

Acne is a widely common skin condition and affects all age groups. The condition is marked by inflammation of the skin, excessive oil buildup, whiteheads, blackheads and spots.

At some point in life, almost everyone experiences some form of acne. However, a more severe, deeply-rooted and widespread case of acne can cause a lot of discomforts. While acne is not harmful on its own, the condition can cause irritation and drive down your self-esteem. If not treated in time, prolonged acne can lead to scarring and the development of further complications.



Who Needs/Candidates

Not all types of acne require medical or otherwise intensive treatment. Mild forms of acne, such as during puberty or stress, may go away on their own. However, treatment may be required if your acne is growing uncontrollably, causes a lot of pain, and doesn’t go away with OTC solutions. You may be a good candidate for an Acne treatment if your acne:

  • affects your daily skincare routine
  • affects your ability to wear the makeup you like
  • leads to excessive oil accumulation
  • is resulting in widespread scarring
  • is prone to or has contracted an infection
  • is spreading to multiple areas of the face

Besides these, you can also receive an acne treatment if you are simply unhappy with the appearance of your acne. While an acne treatment can help you protect the health of your skin and prevent further infection, it is also widely used for cosmetic purposes.

Results to Expect

As soon as after your first session, the acne treatment will begin killing the bacteria responsible for your acne breakouts. The results will not be apparent immediately but can be observed within the first week. You will see a prominent reduction in the overall inflammation and reduction of the acne struck areas. The speed of results will largely depend on the type of treatment you opt for. Laser Treatments and Intense Light Therapy will show quicker and more prominent results. On the other hand, your hormonal therapy will be a long process but will deliver long-lasting, usually permanent results in the end.

Treatment Goals

The main reason people get acne treatment from a medical profession is for a more potent solution. Most types of acne turn into a highly stubborn skin condition that isn’t easily treated with oral or topical medication. Seeking a more intensive acne treatment such as Laser Therapy or Hormonal Therapy becomes necessary at this stage. The possibility of achieving quick results, preventing further growth, and increasing the overall health of the skin are also common reasons patients opt for an Acne treatment in Rawalpindi/Islamabad.

Techniques Available

Acne conditions vary greatly in severity, type, and stubbornness. At Denova Clinic, we offer a wide range of Acne Treatments in Rawalpindi/Islamabad. When it comes to treating acne, there is no one-size-fits-all approach. If you are considering an acne treatment in Rawalpindi or Islamabad, we can help you understand the exact needs of your skin. One of our practitioners will help you understand the severity of your acne and evaluate the suitability of

different acne treatments. Some of the popular acne treatments in Rawalpindi/Islamabad are explained ahead.

Hormonal Therapy

Most of the time, acne becomes worse for a few months and then gets better within one or two years. In such a case, the goal is to minimize its effects by suppressing the inflammation and redness caused. Oral treatments such as certain antibiotics can greatly help at this stage.

However, your acne may not improve if it is caused by a hormonal imbalance in the first place. Keep in mind that this situation can only be true for women. If you have long-standing acne that does not go away despite multiple treatments, you may need hormonal therapy. This will involve an in-depth medical evaluation of your acne and a planned prescribed medication treatment. At Denova Clinic, we can prescribe you the most effective and suitable medication for your unique needs. This will bring back hormonal balance and gradually get rid of acne.

Laser Treatment

Laser Treatments are the next choice of treatment if the condition doesn’t improve with oral medication. With the help of high-intensity light, laser treatment kills the bacteria causing acne. It also helps in preventing future breakouts by slowing down the production of sebum which is responsible for creating inflamed acne spots. One of the reasons for acne’s unsightly appearance is the excessive redness and swelling it causes. The high temperature of lasers also targets the thread veins created due to acne and significantly reduces the overall redness. Besides treating acne, laser treatment also leaves the skin refreshed, rejuvenated and supple. It triggers the skin’s natural healing process and boosts collagen production, which ultimately helps in reducing any scars, and softening wrinkles.

Depending on the severity and depth of your acne, you may need multiple sessions over time. However, follow-up sessions are not needed as the chances of killed bacteria returning are very low.

IPL Therapy

IPL therapy is similar to laser treatment and uses ultraviolet light to suppress the immune system’s response. The result is a significant reduction in the inflammation of the skin, which helps in softening the appearance of acne. It is also capable of killing the bacteria responsible for acne breakouts.

Preparation/Pre-Op Care

Before undergoing your acne treatment in Rawalpindi/Islamabad, make sure to:

  • Engage in a healthy diet and stay hydrated
  • Avoid all blood-thinning medications such as warfarin
  • Avoid getting sunburned to keep your skin prepared
  • Avoid skincare and treatments that may increase skin sensitivity
  • Avoid smoking and alcohol consumption for at least one week

Recovery/Post-Op Care

After undergoing your acne treatment in Rawalpindi/Islamabad, make sure to:

  • Avoid any harsh facial treatment such as waxing or scrubbing
  • Avoid direct sunlight and excessive heat for a few days
  • Take all the prescribed medication regularly
  • Apply any topical creams prescribed for however long
  • Refrain from touching or rubbing the treated areas

Cost of Treatment

The cost of acne treatment in Rawalpindi/Islamabad varies with multiple factors. The area to be treated and particular problems you have will play an important role. We can provide a personalized quote to you with an in-depth consultation today.

Book a Free Consultation Session

Consider booking a free consultation with us today to learn more about the treatment and how it can help you. You can book a session by contacting us through Whatsapp, Phone, or Email.

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