Body Contouring

Sometimes, even the most intensive diet plans and workouts can’t help with perfect body contouring. Losing weight in the exact problem areas while gaining muscle in others is highly unachievable. Whether you have stubborn fat in the thighs or want to get rid of post-pregnancy fat, a body contouring surgery can deliver highly precise and targeted results.

If you are looking to undergo body contouring in Rawalpindi/Islamabad, the guide below will help you make a well-informed decision. At Denova Clinic, we have treated thousands of patients with a wide range of concerns and understand all the ins and outs of a body contouring treatment.


Ideal Candidate/ Who Needs

The perfect candidate for body contouring is anyone with stubborn fat in one or multiple areas of the body. It can be the thighs, arms, stomach, breasts, or any other part of the body. This is more appropriate for people who want a more holistic outcome that precisely sculpts up the body and makes it more proportional. Some of the qualities that make you a great candidate include that:

  • You are in good physical and mental health
  • Your excess weight is not due to obesity
  • You don’t engage in an unhealthy lifestyle
  • You’re not addicted to smoking or alcohol
  • Your skin is elastic enough to tolerate the procedure

Besides this, there are many other requirements that vary by the different types of body contouring techniques. For example, if Liposuction is involved, it will be critical that you don’t have a bleeding disorder or undergo any other clashing treatment that may interfere with the surgery. If you are undergoing an injection-based treatment, for example, fat freezing, then you must not have an active allergy or infection at the site of the injection.

Treatment Goals

The primary goal of the body contouring procedure is to create a more proportional body shape that adds and removes fat as desired by the patient. Instead of treating an isolated problem area, the treatment involves taking the entire geometry of the body into consideration. It also helps with building muscle mass, reducing wrinkles, and minimizing any sagging skin. Patients who undergo body contouring in Rawalpindi/Islamabad generally do it due to its ability to make changes in the exact places that they want. It is most commonly used for treating stubborn areas that are harder to contour/tone up with exercise and workouts. These can include thigh fat, love handles, belly fat, and mommy tummy.

Techniques Available


Liposuction is the most advanced body contouring technique currently available for body contouring in Rawalpindi/Islamabad. It stands out because it can result in drastic changes in just an hour or less. It helps in removing a lot of fat volume from any desired area with high levels of accuracy and precision. This type of precision is not possible with other body contouring techniques, such as fat freezing.

Liposuction is also the first choice of treatment when a patient wants to remove fat from one place and add fat to the other.

The process involves the creation of a tiny incision on the problem area and suctioning out the fat. The harvested fat can then be re-injected into another area, such as the buttocks. Because it only makes a tiny incision, usually between ¼ to 1/3 inches, the visibility of any scarring is negligible.

Fat Grafting

Fat Grafting is considered the gold standard when it comes to adding a lot of volume to the buttocks. Compared to alternative buttock augmentation, the process is considered much safer. It is a combination of Liposuction and augmentation but differs by the amount of volume, and the type of shape added. Compared to Liposuction, fat Grafting helps with precisely contouring the buttocks so they can look rounder, more proportionate, and fuller. The amount of volume added will also proportionally be equal to the amount of fat removed. Common donor areas (where the fat is taken from) include the thighs or abdomen but can differ with individual preferences as well.

Fat Freezing

Fat freezing is becoming increasingly popular due to its non-invasive nature. The procedure involves delivering highly cold temperatures to areas with stubborn fat to kill off the fat cells. A specialized device is placed at each problem area at a time, which slowly penetrates the deeper layers of the skin. The temperature doesn’t affect the skin or other essential areas of the body, such as the tissues or muscles. Because only fat cells are sensitive to such a negative temperature, it leaves the targeted skin completely unaffected. Studies have shown that fat freezing is highly effective at reducing subcutaneous fat, which is considerably harder to lose than other types of fat.

Because the device used is very small, it allows a highly targeted reduction in fat. Patients are able to remove fat from their backs, arms, and sides of the thighs without affecting the overall shape of their bodies.

Results to expect

All body contouring techniques begin showing significant changes after the first session. It’s important to understand that some techniques are more effective and long-lasting than others. Liposuction is typically considered the most long-lasting and effective when it comes to removing/adding a lot of volumes. With it, the removed fat is permanently removed and won’t come back until an unhealthy lifestyle is involved.

However, the results of buttock augmentation or breast augmentation are different. Immediately after the session, you will see highly drastic changes that may seem more than you initially discussed. This excess fat is added deliberately. Usually, after a fat grafting technique, some amount of the injected fat is metabolized by the body, which then wears out. Extra fat is therefore added so that your desired outcomes can be maintained even after some of the fat is metabolized.

It’s also important to understand that body contouring is a highly targeted treatment which means only the areas specifically targeted will be enhanced. If you undergo Liposuction for only the stomach fat, the weight loss in the surrounding areas will be minimal to non-existent. It’s, therefore, important to consult your surgeon beforehand and develop a realistic expectation regarding the treatment.

Preparation/ Preoperative Care

Before undergoing a treatment for body contouring in Rawalpindi/Islamabad, you will be required to avoid:

  • Undergoing any other treatment that may increase skin sensitivity
  • Blood thinning medication such as Warfarin as it can increase the risk of bleeding
  • Any other supplements or foods that may have a blood thinning effect (Caffeine, Garlic, Vitamin E)
  • Consuming alcohol or smoking for at least one week before the treatment

Recovery/ Post-operative Care

Certain activities and medications can interfere with the effectiveness of the treatment and the healing process. To ensure the best outcomes, your surgeon will ask you to avoid:

  • Taking any NSAIDs or other painkillers that may interfere with the healing process
  • Touching, pressing, or rubbing the donor and treated areas
  • Engaging in intensive workouts or sports activities for at least three weeks Besides this, you will also be required to:
  • Keep the incisions and other wounds clean and dry to prevent infection
  • Take all the prescribed medication regularly
  • Engage in a healthy lifestyle and stay hydration

Cost of Body Contouring

The exact cost of Body Contouring in Rawalpindi/Islamabad varies with the level of changes you want and the experience of your cosmetic surgeon. The number of sessions you require and the body parts you want to contour. We can provide a personalized quote today with a quick consultation.

Book a Free Consultation Session

Body contouring is a very wide term that can encompass multiple different body parts. You may still have some unanswered concerns that hold you back from making a final decision. Our certified cosmetic surgeons can help you overcome these doubts and make a more well-informed decision that is right for your needs. Book a consultation with us today through our Whatsapp, Phone, or Email contact.

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