Hybrid Hair Transplant

A hybrid hair transplant combines two of the best hair transplant methods so the patient can maximize the results while minimizing the time taken. The two hair transplant techniques combined in a typical hybrid hair transplant in Rawalpindi/Islamabad are the FUE and FUT hair transplant. FUE uses individual follicle extraction to minimize damage and foster regrowth. FUT works by extracting a strip of hair-bearing tissue from the scalp. The combination of both results in more dense hair regrowth with minimal scarring. If you are considering receiving a Hybrid Hair Transplant in Rawalpindi/Islamabad, continue reading our in-depth guide below to learn more.

Who Needs/Candidates

The best candidate for a hybrid hair transplant is someone who needs a lot of improvement. This is because a single technique would take longer to cover the entire deficient area. Besides this, the ideal candidate will also have a subsided case of balding/thinning where hair fall doesn’t occur anymore. Other cases that make you a suitable candidate include:

Results to Expect

Following the procedure, your hair will go through an initial phase of “shock loss,” where your hair will begin falling. This will continue for the first month, after which you can expect to see new hair growth. Significant hair growth and higher density can be expected within three months. A complete realization of results will occur in six months. Other outcomes include:

Treatment Goals

Generally, just an FUE or FUT alone would suffice in bringing back hair growth in most cases of hair thinning and balding. But when a patient has a lot of areas to be covered, creating a lot of grafts and inserting hair follicles can take a lot of time and damage the scalp excessively. The typical hybrid hair transplant in Rawalpindi/Islamabad is designed to eliminate this problem by enabling a higher number of implantations by dividing the process among two techniques. In one place, FUT helps with extracting a large number of hair follicles in a single go. After this, the micro punch tool of FUE helps with quick insertion throughout the scalp in minimal time. This is the primary goal of a hybrid hair transplant— to help with cases of excessive balding.

Preparation/Pre-Op Care

Certain medications and lifestyle habits can interfere with the effectiveness of your Hair Transplant. Before undergoing your Hybrid hair transplant in Rawalpindi/Islamabad, you will be required to avoid:

Treatment Steps

Your hybrid hair transplant in Rawalpindi/Islamabad will encompass both FUE and FUT procedures. Typically, FUT is conducted first to cover a large area of the scalp. FUE is then used to extract individual hair follicles, which are then spread throughout the scalp with smaller areas of baldness. This means that the surgeon will see the first fill up the larger problem areas, such as huge patches with a FUT extraction. FUE will compensate for the lack of more donor scalp tissues by extracting healthy hair follicles from wherever present and suitable. The other steps include:

Recovery/Post-Op Care

Your recovery period and chances of developing an infection/complication will depend on your post-surgical aftercare. To ensure the best possible outcomes, make sure to avoid:

Benefits Expected

A hybrid hair transplant stands out due to its ability to facilitate more implantations without equally proportional damage. Accordingly, it also accompanies a shorter recovery time and minimal risk of scarring. The risk of developing complications is also minimal as there are fewer incisions. It also facilitates up to 6000 grafts within one session, which is currently the highest number possible with any hair transplant. Patients are especially attracted to it because it leaves the scalp looking natural and not overdone or fake-looking. The individual placement helps with creating a “randomized” regrowth that mimics natural hair. Other benefits include:

Cost of Treatment

The exact cost of a Hybrid Hair Transplant in Rawalpindi/Islamabad varies based on multiple individual factors. We can provide a personalized quote for your unique needs with an in-depth consultation today. At Denova Aesthetics, we aim to help you become the best version of yourself and therefore focus on making the procedure as accessible for you as possible

Book a Free Consultation Session

At Denovo Clinic, we can help you learn all the ins and outs of a Hybrid Hair Transplant so you can make a well-informed decision. You can reach us through our WhatsApp, phone, or email today and be one step closer to the changes you have always wanted.



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