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Lip Reduction Surgery

A lip reduction surgery can help you achieve the ideal facial look exactly as you envision. While lip augmentation— the process of making your lips bigger- is more widely known and discussed, many people would rather not have them. Big lips can impact functionality and cause problems such as drooling or discomfort when talking.

Lip reduction surgery has become increasingly popular as people now focus on having features that complement their unique facial geometry rather than following the big lips trend. The surgery is also increasingly being used to fix any asymmetries within the lips or fix just the upper or lower lip.

If you are looking for a suitable lip reduction surgery in Rawalpindi/Islamabad, continue reading our guide ahead. As an experienced cosmetic clinic, we know the ins and outs of a typical lip reduction surgery in Rawalpindi/Islamabad. The guide is designed so you can know more about the treatment and make a well-informed decision.

Who Needs/Candidates

Lip reduction surgery is generally considered a highly safe and well-tolerated treatment. Almost anyone who is unhappy with the appearance or proportions of their lips can undergo this surgery. If you feel that your lips are too big for your face or overshadow certain other facial features, a lip reduction surgery might help greatly. Even if you are only bothered about one of the lips, lip reduction surgery can help you target that lip alone while maintaining the natural look of the other. Besides this, there are also health conditions or certain asymmetries that can make you an ideal candidate. You may also be a great candidate if you have undergone lip augmentation surgery and want to reverse its effects.

While the treatment is widely suitable for a large population, there are still some factors that can make you an unsuitable candidate. You should not undergo Lip reduction surgery if you have:

  • an active mouth sore or allergy
  • a history of herpes or are at risk of reinfection
  • recently undergone a different surgery

Autoimmune and inflammatory diseases can also negatively impact your candidacy. While you can still undergo the procedure with these conditions, they do increase the risk of complications. Disclosing all your past and present health conditions will help your doctor understand the treatment’s suitability more effectively.

Results to Expect

Your results will be apparent immediately after the first session and won’t require any future follow-ups. After your surgery, the lips will remain swollen and may experience some level of redness for at least one week. At this stage, you may not be able to clearly see the exact reduction due to the swelling.

Besides this, you can expect the following outcomes from a typical lip reduction surgery in Rawalpindi/Islamabad:

  • A more balanced lip proportion that suits your face
  • More balanced and symmetrical facial appearance
  • Significant reduction in the bulkier areas of lips
  • Reduction in the inner lips while your natural lips shape is maintained
  • No damage to the surrounding skin and tissues

Treatment Goals

A lip reduction surgery’s main goal is to give the patient a lot of control over the outcomes. It stands out because it only removes fat from targeted and controlled areas rather than completely thinning down the lips. This is what makes it so great for treating lip asymmetries, as the excess fat from a particular space can be easily removed. The next reason patients are attracted to Lip reduction surgery is the ability to minimize the resulting scarring and wounds. This is because Lip reduction surgery in Rawalpindi/Islamabad is highly sophisticated and is able to remove the needed fat with very tiny incisions.

Preparation/Pre-Op Care

Lip reduction is a major surgery and requires a strict routine of pre-care activities. Because it involves making an incision on the skin, you must keep your skin protected from the sun and free of any infections before undergoing the surgery. Sunburned skin is harder to operate on and can interfere with the procedure. Besides these, you will also be required to:

  • Avoid alcohol consumption and smoking for at least two weeks
  • Avoid all blood thinning medications and supplements for at least two weeks
  • Postpone any clashing and otherwise irritating treatments such as micro-needling

Treatment Steps

Lip reduction surgery uses incisions to reach the excess fat, which is then suctioned out with the help of a surgical vacuum. If you want to learn more about the process, below are the exact steps a typical lip reduction surgery in Rawalpindi/Islamabad encompasses:

  • The target lip area is first numbed with the help of local or general anesthesia. This can take between 20-30 minutes to take effect.
  • A small incision, usually ¼ or 1/3 of an inch in size, is created at the needed area. A fine cannula is used to move the excess fat and tissue in a front and back motion. This loosens the fat, which is then suctioned out.
  • Each incision is stitched close as soon as the fat is removed and then bandaged. The number of incisions and their length depends on the type and depth of changes needed.

Recovery/Post-Op Care

Because of the incisions, your lips will go through mild pain and swelling, which should be managed with care. How well you follow the aftercare instructions will determine your healing speed. After undergoing a Lip reduction surgery in Rawalpindi/Islamabad, you will be required to avoid:

  • Going under the sun and exposing your skin to excessive heat
  • Using sauna rooms, hot baths, and other activities that might cause sweating
  • Touching or rubbing your treated area vigorously
  • Any painkillers or NSAIDS that may interfere with the healing process
  • Any blood-thinning medication such as Warfarin
  • Any Blood thinning supplements such as vitamin E

Cost of Lip Reduction

The cost of Lip reduction surgery in Rawalpindi/Islamabad varies with individual and external factors. The initial lip profile, how many changes you want, and your surgeon’s experience will determine the exact price you pay. You can receive a personalized price quotation from our cosmetic clinic today.

Consider booking a free consultation to learn more.

Book a Free Consultation Session

Our free consultations are designed to help you overcome any fear and anxiety that you have regarding the treatment. One of our certified cosmetic surgeons will listen to your concerns and help you make a more well-informed decision. You can book your free session today through our WhatsApp, Phone, or Email.

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