Sapphire FUE Hair Transplant in Islamabad Rawalpindi
Sapphire FUE is becoming increasingly popular for its ability to restore hair with less discomfort and quicker healing. Compared to traditional hair transplants, a Sapphire FUE uses specialised sapphire blades to open hair channels. Because it eliminates the reliance on steel blades, it also eliminates all the discomfort, scabbing, and scarring associated with it. Every hair transplant involves the extraction of strip-bearing scalp tissue, which is used to foster growth in the balding areas. The use of more precise Sapphire blades ensures that only tiny incisions are made for extraction.
Who Needs/Candidates
A Sapphire FUE hair transplant is especially useful for those with scalp sensitivities or at risk of developing complications. The procedure is highly effective for both men and women suffering from advanced stages of hair loss.
Results to Expect
As soon as after your first session, you can expect the following results:
- First hair growth within a few weeks.
- Thicker, stronger hair regrowth in the balding areas.
- Visible hair growth within 3 to 6 months.
- A natural regrowth that mimics the original look of your hair.
- Final, prominent results within 12 to 18 months
Treatment Goals
The primary reason for preference towards Sapphire FUE is the use of minimally invasive methods with a low risk of tissue damage. Individuals are drawn towards it when oral or topical medication has not worked or when they risk developing complications from surgical alternatives. The Sapphire FUE is marked by its ability to deliver quick, natural, and permanent results that don’t require future sessions for maintenance or long-term effects.
Preparation/Pre-Op Care
Avoiding the following activities will allow the treatment to be completed smoothly, without the risk of complications:
- Taking any blood-thinning medication such as Warfarin.
- Alcohol consumption and excessive smoking.
- Consumption of certain prohibited Vitamins and Herbal Medication.
- Usage of Anti-inflammatory medicines such as Advil and steroids or cortisone creams.
Treatment Steps
Your Sapphire hair transplant at Royal Cosmetics Clinic will consist of 4 main parts:
Recovery/Post-Op Care
Your post-operative care should include the following steps:
- Wait at least a few days before washing your scalp.
- Only use mild or prescribed shampoo.
- Avoid sun exposure, sweat, and hot baths or saunas for a few days
- Avoid pressing down on or brushing the treated area for at least three weeks.
- Refrain from any sports or other strenuous activities for at least three weeks.
- Engage is a four-day long resting period.
Benefits Expected
The hair transplant stands out due to multiple reasons. Because the sapphire blades only create smaller microchannels, they also allow quicker healing. The process is associated with significantly lower levels of discomfort and also a lower risk of developing a complication or infection. Below are some of the other benefits of such a hair transplant:
- The Sapphire blades have natural antibacterial properties and facilitate a quicker healing process.
- It follows a gentle extraction compared to steel blades, resulting in a lowered risk of trauma and scalp tissue damage.
- Compared to alternatives, Sapphire FUE ensures higher-density hair by allowing a greater number of microchannels to be made throughout the scalp. On average, at least 5000 grafts can be created throughout the scalp within one treatment.
- The v-shaped, smaller Sapphire blades enable more precise angling and cutting during the implantation, resulting in a more natural outcome.
- Steel and other metallic materials can be unsuitable for those with sensitive scalp or different allergies. Sapphire Blades are made with naturally-occurring gemstones which pose little to no risk of an allergic reaction.
- It also stands out for those with a bleeding disorder or other relevant conditions. With smaller incisions and a less aggressive channel opening, the Sapphire blades minimise the risk of bleeding.
- It leaves your scalp with smoother and less bumpy skin compared to transplants made with bigger channel openings and incisions.
Cost of Sapphire FUE Treatment
Because it’s a relatively new option, only offered by a few hair restoration clinics in Rawalpindi, the cost can differ greatly. Typically, the experience of your practitioner, the area to be covered, the level of work needed, and the initial health of your scalp will play a huge role in the cost of your treatment. Make sure to book a consultation with a knowledgeable clinic to gain better clarity on the cost you should expect to pay for your situation. Our Cosmetic clinic offers an in-depth Sapphire FUE treatment with affordable and accessible pricing. You can book a consultation with one of our surgeons and learn about the exact cost of FUE for your specific needs.
Book a Free Consultation Session
One of our Sapphire FUE surgeons in Rawalpindi will help you understand this procedure well if you need
more details. Just get in touch with us and book an appointment before you visit us in person.